Feb 3, 2009

KOBE: Self Healing COOKING CLASS: KOKUSAI〜穀菜&国際〜 kitchen

Healthy/Vegan/Organic/Japanese&International/Macrobiotic COOKING CLASSES for Women who want to be HEALTHY/BEAUTIFUL.


Each class, you will learn how to prepare EASY but TASTY healthy full lunch/dinner menu. (Ex. Grain dish, Soup, Vegetable dishes) Why don't you make some dishes that make you not only look good, but feel good. Never cooked? Don't worry! Our instructor is experienced in teaching beginners. And all recipes are easy, simple and Delicious! 
You will also learn how to manage PMS, Skin problems, Allergies, Headaches, Indigestion, emotional discharge such as depression, hyperactivity and so on, and make you look and feel happy & beautiful!
Register now!

*Please bring your apron.
*Menu will be changed bi-weekly.
Cost: One class for 4,000 yen / Five classes for 18,000 yen.
*Prices above are inclusive of grocery(Fresh & Organic) shopping cost.

JUST TASTING? If you simply want to taste, that's also good way to start! Macrobiotic tasting/eating class.

Want to try before you star to take lessens? Try our delicious macrobiotic/Vegan food!
Lunch (2-3 vegetable dishes, grain dish, soup, mini dessert, tea) 2,000 yen
* Please make a reservation by e-mail or phone.

Healthy Vegan Sweets CLASSES

Cravings for sweets, but not easy to find Vegan healthy & tasty sweets in Japan? Don't worry! We'll make them! In each class, you will learn how to make two kinds of sweets, some useful tips to stay away from Junk sweets which make you feel bad when you eat.

Cost(3-hour class): 3,500 yen
*Prices above are inclusive of grocery(Fresh & Organic) shopping cost.

*All classes are semi-private classes(4 people max.) So you will enjoy very relaxing, man-to-man type of classes.

HOW TO SIGN UP: By E-mail; macrobioticecotour@gmail.com
The following information must be included:
Your name, class date & morning or evening, number of attendees, and a contact phone number.
E-mail us if you have any questions!

Reservations will not be confirmed until information is complete (confirmation will be sent via email). Please note that if you do not receive a confirmation email from us, we may not have received your reservation request - please send a follow up email.

WHERE: Kobe, Okamoto 10 min. by walk from Hankyu Okamoto Station & JR Settu Motoyama Station. We will send you a map with the confirmation e-mail.

These Private Sessions for Women are also available.

- Healing/Diet Counseling session
For women who want to be healthy but beautiful at the same time. We can advise and support your diet by counseling, making weekly menus, exercise, dinning out tips & suggestions etc. depends on your needs.
- REIKI Healing Treatment session
For Deep relaxation, Reducing stress & anxiety, and Enforce the natural healing power. Reiki is a Japanese palm healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is based on the idea that an invisible "KI " , life force energy, flows through our body and mind and is what causes us to be alive. If one's KI is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Cost: First session 4,000 yen/ 60 min.
second session and after 3,000 yen/ 45 min.)

Please make an appointment by e-mail: macrobioticecotour@gmail.com

*Private Cooking Lessens are also available upon request.
You can have your customized cooking lessens that meet your needs!

Instructor :
Naoko Kurosawa(黒澤直子):
Macrobiotic Instructor, Healing Cook, Reiki Practitioner

Please contact us By E-mail; macrobioticecotour@gmail.com
or Call @ 090-9995-4589

きれいになりたいですか?英語も話してみたいですか?両方一緒にやってみませんか?英語を話してみたいけど、今迄通った英会話も続かなかったし、英語の勉強も自分じゃなかなか出来ないし。。って言う人にピッタリのお料理教室です。英語は使わないと身に付きません!実際に教室で3時間みっちり英語を使いながら楽しく英語とヘルシーマクロビオティック料理を覚えてみませんか? 英語と一緒にヘルシーなお料理で体もヘルシーに心もお肌もハッピーになるお料理を習った後は美人になるためのおすすめ情報をお話しながらお食事会。楽しく知的健康美人になりませんか?貴方の美人度アップのチャンスです!
お昼のクラス 11:00am - 2:00pm

夜のクラス 6:30pm - 7:30pm

11:00am - 2:00pm


参加費: 4,000 円 / 1クラス, 18,000 円/5クラス回数券
参加費: 4,000 円 / 1クラス, 18,000 円/5クラス回数券。



甘い物を辞めてダイエットしたいけどやめられない。無理に我慢して辞める必要はありません!ヘルシーな物に変えたらいいのです!みんなで楽しく美味しくヘルシースイーツを英語で楽しく作ってみませんか? 英語なんて話せない。。って言う人も心配ありません。実際に使いながら体で覚えるのってとっても実用的で覚えやすいですよ。

参加費(3時間クラス): 3,500 円


講師 :Naoko Kurosawa(黒澤直子):

場所:神戸岡本 阪急岡本駅から徒歩8分、 JR 摂津本山駅から徒歩10分。予約確認と共に詳細をお送り致します。

お申し込みは E-mailで macrobioticecotour@gmail.com まで、お名前、電話番号、ご希望のクラス、日時をご連絡ください。
ご質問もメールお電話で受け付けます 。電話: 090-9995-4589

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